Scenery Generation [Builder]

Setting the Working Directory

osm2city needs to make some assumption about the absolute paths.

It is recommended to make conscious decisions about the directory structure and choosing the WORKING_DIRECTORY accordingly.

Therefore before running osm2city related programs please either:

  • set the working directory explicitly if you are using an integrated development environment (e.g. PyCharm)
  • change into the working directory in your console, e.g.
$ cd /home/pingu/fg_customscenery/projects

Creating the Texture Atlas

If you are creating sceneries to be consumed by others using a FG version 2017.2 or later, then please skip this chapter — unless you know what you are doing. Skipping will just use the texture atlas already provided by osm2city-data.

In order to be able to use textures for buildings a texture atlas (a structured collection of textures stored in a single image file) needs to be created. Re-creating a texture atlas should only be done if the contained textures change. That is rarely the case. Also remember that if the texture atlas changes, then also the content has to be copied into FGData /Textures/osm2city (which has to be done either manually by the scenery user og by committing to the FlightGear FGData repository - meaning that it is first generally available with the next FlightGear release).

In most situations it is enough to call the following command once and then only if the textures have changed:

/usr/bin/python3 /home/pingu/develop_vcs/osm2city/ -f LSZS/

Chapter Textures has an overview of how roof and facade textures can be filtered to suit a given scenery’s needs by means of parameters.

Internet Connection for WikiData

OSM data can contain links to WikiData, where more information can be stored. This is used in osm2city for fetching population data used in determining the settlement type. This improves the accuracy of the heuristics, but you can run the scripts without internet connection.

Running the Generation Scripts with

As a first step you must prepare OSM data in a database. Be sure that the data in the database covers the whole area for batch processing.

Calling the batch process is then pretty easy in just one step:

$ /usr/bin/python3 /home/pingu/develop_vcs/osm2city/batch_processing/ -f TEST/ -b 8.25_47_8.5_47.2 -p 3

Mandatory command line arguments:

  • -b BOUNDARY: the boundary as an underscore delimited string WEST_SOUTH_EAST_NORTH like 9.1_47.0_11_48.8 (use ‘.’ as decimal separator). If the Western longitude is negative (e.g. in Americas), then use an asterisk character (*) in front (e.g. -b *-71.25_42.25_-70.75_42.5 for the Boston Logan airport KBOS).
  • -f FILE_PATH: the relative path to the main file. Remember that the paths are relative to the WORKING_DIRECTORY.
  • -p NUMBER: number of parallel processes (should not be more than the number of cores/CPUs) and might be constrained by memory

Optional arguments:

  • -h, --help: show a help message and exit
  • -m NUMBER: the maximum of child tasks a worker process completes before it will exit. Unless you know what you are doing and have problems with constantly increasing use of resources, then do not specify a value here (otherwise start with assigning the most conservative value of 1). The default is unlimited.
  • -l LOGLEVEL, --loglevel LOGLEVEL: sets the logging level. Valid levels are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
  • -o, --logtofile: writes the logging information into files in the working directory. There will be a set of log files:
    • osm2city-exceptions.log: is always existing and appended to whenever a tile cannot be processed due to an exception. You should consider deleting the file whenever you are done processing and satisfied with the result. But have first a look at it to make sure that all tiles actually got processed (tile index number and processing time get stored if something is wrong along with the exception)
    • osm2city_main_YYYY-MM-DD_hhmmss.log (e.g. osm2city_main_2017-12-28_222432.log): the main process splitting the area up into tiles and assigning to sub-processes. Gives an idea about the overall processing on a per tile level.
    • osm2city_process_SpawnPoolWorker-#_YYYY-MM-DD_hhmmss.log (e.g. osm2city_process_SpawnPoolWorker-2_2017-12-28_222442.log): the detailed processing log. Unless you have specified argument -m then there will be as many files as there are processes as per argument -p NUMBER.
  • -e PROCEDURE, --execute PROCEDURE: execute only the given procedure[s]. Otherwise everything is generated i.e. main and details (subject to refinement by parameters, not arguments):
    • buildings: generates buildings
    • roads: generates different types of roads and railway lines
    • pylons: generates pylons and cables between them for (major) power lines. Also creates wind turbines, storage tanks and chimneys.
    • main: all of the above
    • details: generates (railway) platforms, piers and boats as well as minor power lines, aerial ways, railway overhead lines as well as street-lamps.
    • trees: generates trees mapped in OSM as well as heuristics for trees in parks and gardens
    • all: all of the above

You might want to consider setting parameter FG_ELEV_CACHE to False in case you build a huge area due to disk usage.

Consider Sharing Your Generated Scenery Objects

Although this guide hopefully helps, not everybody might be able to generate scenery objects wih osm2city related programs. Therefore please consider sharing your generated scenery objects. You can do so by announcing it in the Sceneries part of the FlightGear Forums and linking from the bottom of the osm2city related Wiki article.